Thanks to the amazing generosity of our sponsors, donors and volunteers, the 2023 MCCRF Gala has raised over $500,000, and checks are still coming in.

A special thank you to our friends at the Colon Cancer Coalition for their $75,000 matching gift. Together we are meeting a critical need for more Colorectal Cancer research. If you missed the program, it’s not too late to watch the recorded live broadcast.

Colorectal Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death. In 2023 the American Cancer Society estimates that 34,380 people in Minnesota will be diagnosed with the disease and 10,280 will die from it. Rates of diagnosis and death are decreasing in people over the age of 50, but increasing at a rate of 1-2% per year in people under 50. Because of this the recommended age to start screening recently dropped from 50 to 45 for people at average risk. Talk to your friends and family and encourage them to get screened. The best screening test is the one that gets done! Five year survival if the disease is caught early is 90%, but only 14% if the disease is stage 4 at diagnosis.


And help us in our fight to find better ways to treat, diagnose and prevent colorectal cancer! THE TIME FOR RESEARCH IS NOW!

By supporting the Minnesota Colorectal Cancer Research Foundation tonight, you are moving us ever closer to finding better treatments and a cure to this disease.

With passion and hope,
Sandy Muschenheim
President, Minnesota Colorectal Cancer Research Foundation